This complex consists of about 40 ha of arable land where papilionaceous plants and potatoes are grown. They are located directly at the headquarters of the Institute. In addition, this complex also includes approximately 40 ha of meadows.
This complex consists of over 110 ha of arable land converted into pastures and used alternately (grazing and mowing).
Here is located about 20 ha of wet meadows.
This complex consists of over 30 ha of meadows located in the Oder river valley, partially neighbouring directly to the river channel.
This complex consists of two parts of wet meadows with a total area of 40 ha.
This complex consists of 30 ha wet meadows and numerous trees and bushes.
(The place of the bison farm) – about 80 ha of arable land and wet meadows.
IES - Farm

What is a farm?
Land management is one of the oldest and most important forms of benefiting from the surrounding environment. A farm that focuses solely on reaping benefits, without compensating this to the environment, leads to its degradation. Unfortunately, the modern farming is primarily aimed at minimizing production costs, the use of chemicals and mechanization of the agrotechnical and breeding treatments, which is one of the main threats not only to the natural environment, but also for humans, who consume food of constantly lower quality. On the other hand, nowadays fewer and fewer people want to work in agriculture, which is a hard and responsible profession. A modern farmer must not only be a specialist in his profession, but also a responsible, comprehensively educated person. Therefore, this profession should be appreciated more.
Animals in the IES farm
On an eco-friendly farm a key role plays the awareness that in cooperation between the farmer and the environment, both sides must benefit. For that to be so, it is necessary to have livestock on the farm, who play a key role in the circulation of basic plant nutrients. Thanks to these animals, valuable fertilizer is made from meadow biomass and straw, without which the soil becomes barren and useless.
Plants in the IES farm
A key role is played by the herbivores, especially cattle, without which it would be difficult to maintain an eco-friendly management of meadows, pastures and fertilizing arable lands. Only a farm with herbivores may naturally preserve appropriate soil quality, maintain its natural productivity, that is the ability to feed the nutritional needs of the cultivated plants. Also, for this reason it is essential to apply rotation of the cultivated plants. The most soil-friendly management of land is characterized by a diversified plant production successively following one another. Beyond the breeding of herbivores, it is also important for the animal husbandry to be balanced with the plant production. This means, that a farm should have as many animals as it is able to feed from its own plant production. Moreover, an eco-friendly farm should be characterized by a variety of fields and meadows. This means, that they should have such natural elements as: ponds, trees, and bushes. The composition of the meadow sward should be rich in various species of grass, herbs, flowers, and papilionaceous plants. These are essential for the harvested straw and forage to be of adequate quality, ensuring that the animals meet their mineral and organic needs. The more plant species constitute the forage, the higher the quality of food.
What is a farm?
Land management is one of the oldest and most important forms of benefiting from the surrounding environment. A farm that focuses solely on reaping benefits, without compensating this to the environment, leads to its degradation. Unfortunately, the modern farming is primarily aimed at minimizing production costs, the use of chemicals and mechanization of the agrotechnical and breeding treatments, which is one of the main threats not only to the natural environment, but also for humans, who consume food of constantly lower quality. On the other hand, nowadays fewer and fewer people want to work in agriculture, which is a hard and responsible profession. A modern farmer must not only be a specialist in his profession, but also a responsible, comprehensively educated person. Therefore, this profession should be appreciated more.
Animals in the IES farm
On an eco-friendly farm a key role plays the awareness that in cooperation between the farmer and the environment, both sides must benefit. For that to be so, it is necessary to have livestock on the farm, who play a key role in the circulation of basic plant nutrients. Thanks to these animals, valuable fertilizer is made from meadow biomass and straw, without which the soil becomes barren and useless.
Plants in the IES farm
A key role is played by the herbivores, especially cattle, without which it would be difficult to maintain an eco-friendly management of meadows, pastures and fertilizing arable lands. Only a farm with herbivores may naturally preserve appropriate soil quality, maintain its natural productivity, that is the ability to feed the nutritional needs of the cultivated plants. Also, for this reason it is essential to apply rotation of the cultivated plants. The most soil-friendly management of land is characterized by a diversified plant production successively following one another. Beyond the breeding of herbivores, it is also important for the animal husbandry to be balanced with the plant production. This means, that a farm should have as many animals as it is able to feed from its own plant production. Moreover, an eco-friendly farm should be characterized by a variety of fields and meadows. This means, that they should have such natural elements as: ponds, trees, and bushes. The composition of the meadow sward should be rich in various species of grass, herbs, flowers, and papilionaceous plants. These are essential for the harvested straw and forage to be of adequate quality, ensuring that the animals meet their mineral and organic needs. The more plant species constitute the forage, the higher the quality of food.