About the Institute
Words associated with the Institute of Applied Ecology:

An eco-friendly world


Discoveries and journeys
What is the IES?
The Institute of Applied Ecology (IES) is a fulfilment of the dream of creating a perfect workplace. It is important for a scientist to make use of the knowledge gained, since knowledge without practise is useless. Only a few manage to achieve this goal and live with the satisfaction, that the acquired knowledge and experience serve society. By constantly gathering knowledge about the environment and increasing engineering experience, you cannot limit your activities only to the office or laboratory perspective. The above-described fields of science are based on the empirical cognition; thus, they require specific research and implementation skills, which are difficult to achieve through regular work in the university structures. The challenge resided in being a scientist, businessman and economist at the same time. Hence the initiative of establishing the interdisciplinary Institute of Applied Ecology.
Why exactly ,,of Applied Ecology”?
First, the term ,,ecology” should be briefly explained, as it is nowadays widely, though not always properly used. Following one of the great modern ecologists P. Oduma it can be said, that just as biology is the study of living creatures, ecology is the study of the living of our environment, or simply the biology of environment. Since this understanding of ecology is both the core subject of the Institutes work, as well as a life passion of the IES founder, the word ,,ecology” had to be present in the name of the Institute. The added word ,,applied” determines the course of the IES activity, which is simply to apply ecology. This means, that the Institute is a place, where the knowledge about ecology is practically applied to solve numerous environmental problems. Further, the process of application is a valuable source of new information about the functioning of our environment.
So is the Institute a place only of implementation?
Of course not. An implementation must be preceded with a careful study of literature and numerous environmental observations. Most often these observations are the source of numerous fascinating discoveries. One of them is the fact, that our planet, along with its environment and living creatures, make up a perfect, fascinating, and thoughtfully constructed ecosystem. In this perfect world only humans are imperfect and unreliable. On the other hand, they are capable of acquiring knowledge and constructing amazing ideas and solutions. Around us there are numerous traces of human’s great achievements, thought contrastingly, there is also much evil coming from him. The Institute also includes the journeys, which are necessary to understand the essence of the natural environment as well as its actual needs and hazards. As it is said: ,,travel broadens the mind”, especially when supplemented with a thorough literature study. These expeditions are not only a wealth of experiences, sensations and emotions, but also a source of great satisfaction from the possibility of exploring our wonderful planet.
What is the IES?
The Institute of Applied Ecology (IES) is a fulfilment of the dream of creating a perfect workplace. It is important for a scientist to make use of the knowledge gained, since knowledge without practise is useless. Only a few manage to achieve this goal and live with the satisfaction, that the acquired knowledge and experience serve society. By constantly gathering knowledge about the environment and increasing engineering experience, you cannot limit your activities only to the office or laboratory perspective. The above-described fields of science are based on the empirical cognition; thus, they require specific research and implementation skills, which are difficult to achieve through regular work in the university structures. The challenge resided in being a scientist, businessman and economist at the same time. Hence the initiative of establishing the interdisciplinary Institute of Applied Ecology.
Why exactly ,,of Applied Ecology”?
First, the term ,,ecology” should be briefly explained, as it is nowadays widely, though not always properly used. Following one of the great modern ecologists P. Oduma it can be said, that just as biology is the study of living creatures, ecology is the study of the living of our environment, or simply the biology of environment. Since this understanding of ecology is both the core subject of the Institutes work, as well as a life passion of the IES founder, the word ,,ecology” had to be present in the name of the Institute. The added word ,,applied” determines the course of the IES activity, which is simply to apply ecology. This means, that the Institute is a place, where the knowledge about ecology is practically applied to solve numerous environmental problems. Further, the process of application is a valuable source of new information about the functioning of our environment. |
So is the Institute a place only of implementation?
Of course not. An implementation must be preceded with a careful study of literature and numerous environmental observations. Most often these observations are the source of numerous fascinating discoveries. One of them is the fact, that our planet, along with its environment and living creatures, make up a perfect, fascinating, and thoughtfully constructed ecosystem. In this perfect world only humans are imperfect and unreliable. On the other hand, they are capable of acquiring knowledge and constructing amazing ideas and solutions. Around us there are numerous traces of human’s great achievements, thought contrastingly, there is also much evil coming from him. The Institute also includes the journeys, which are necessary to understand the essence of the natural environment as well as its actual needs and hazards. As it is said: ,,travel broadens the mind”, especially when supplemented with a thorough literature study. These expeditions are not only a wealth of experiences, sensations and emotions, but also a source of great satisfaction from the possibility of exploring our wonderful planet. |
The location of the Institute
The Institute of Applied Ecology is located in the southern part of Rzepiński Forest, within the Skórzyn Village in the Maszewo commune, Lubuskie voivodeship. This location is very attractive in terms of the natural environment: the physico-geographical region of the Torzym Plain which is part of the Lubuskie Lake District. This region is characterized by vast sand plains, cut by the valleys of the Pliszka, Gryżynka and Ilanka rivers. A detailed research determined 10 sandr levels. The Torzym Plain is situated at an altitude of 60-100 m a.s.l., with relative heights of 20-50 m. On the postglacial sands podzolic soils developed, which results in a considerable afforestation of this region. The Krzesiński Landscape Park is located over a dozen of kilometres from the Institute. This park is known for the protection of Oder-riverside meadows, being a habitat for more than 155 waterfowl species and numerous amphibians, mammals, and plants, among which there are species named in the ,,Polish red book of animals”: Eurasian beaver and the Lesser Noctule. Another neighbouring protected area is the Gryżyński Landscape Park, whose main purpose is the protection of postglacial tunnel valleys of the Gryżynka river, characterized by natural and landscape values, only slightly transformed by man. There are many interesting natural habitats in the immediate vicinity of the Institute: fragments of postglacial tunnel valleys, mixed forests, peatbogs, wetlands and rich network of ponds and water courses. Hence, the fauna and flora of this region is exceptionally diversified. There are white-tailed eagles, red and black kites, black storks, cranes, European fire-belled toads, Euroepan tree frogs, European pond turtles, beavers, otters, and there are also many wild boars, deer, and roe deer.