IES - Association
The association was established in order to separate the scientific activity of the Institute from agricultural and engineering activities. Its main goal is to raise funds for the scientific ventures of Wojciech Halicki and people cooperating with him.
These goals include:
- Conducting research in the field of sustainable water management and developing implementation projects
- Conducting environmental research (currently on Siberia and Central Asia)
- Organizing scientific expeditions
- Continuation of running a bison breeding farm in Sycowice
- Distribution of books published by the Institute Publishing House, operating until 2020
Sustainable water development
Sustainable water management consists in using it in such way that allows us to meet our living and economic needs without adversely affecting the quantitative and qualitative state of water resources at our disposal. Unfortunately, but so far, the existing water management is associated with a constant negative impact on the condition of water resources. Despite this fact, there are also positive examples of sustainable water management, where, for example, water is used repeatedly. This is what the research conducted at IES serves. Based on the many years of work in this area, it is safe to say that today every house can be an example of a wise sustainable water management. Research at IES focuses on the development and implementation of alternative sources of drinking water for buildings or farms not connected to the water supply, as well as wastewater treatment, water renewal and its reuse. In addition, research is carried out on the treatment of poorer-quality water, such as groundwater, water from ditches or ponds. These waters, after treatment, can meet the quality requirements of drinking water or bathing water.
Environmental research and scientific expeditions
These studies are conducted outside the country (currently Siberia and Central Asia), therefore their implementation is related to the organization of scientific expeditions to the studied regions. The main research concerns the quality of water, which is indirectly related to the condition of the soil and the conditions of the local flora and fauna. Moreover, the performance of rainwater analyzes is a source of knowledge about air quality. The basis for conducting research in these regions is the long-term cooperation with the University of Tomsk (Western Siberia). The results of the expeditions and research conducted include numerous articles in foreign journals, and above all, book publications (Western Siberia, Wetland). More on scientific expeditions will be available soon on the blog.
The Institute’s bison breeding farm
The bison breeding farm in Sycowice is located in the buffer zone of the Gryżyński Landscape Park. It is a complex of over 50 hectares of wet meadows with numerous mid-field tree stands – so it is a special place for bisons. Sycowice is one of the few closed breeding farms in Poland where these wonderful mammals are self-sufficient – they live without the need for constant feeding. The farm has been operating since May 2012, when the first bisons came to the farm. Since the bisons live in the farm in conditions similar to the natural ones, the individual development in the herd is subject to natural selection. For this reason, the number of bisons varies, new ones are born into the world, not all of which survive, others die naturally due to diseases or old age. Currently, in September 2020, the herd has seven individuals.
The Institute’s Publishing House
The Institute’s Publishing House has published the following publications:
- Wojciech Halicki, 2015, Ekologia stosowana w zrównoważonej gospodarce wodno-ściekowej. Projektowanie i budowa naturalnych systemów oczyszczania ścieków.
- Beata Halicka, Bogusław Mykietów, 2011, Kozaki–Pyrzany. Polifonia pamięci Polifonia pamięci o przymusowych migracjach we wspomnieniach Polaków, Niemców i Ukrainców./Kozaky–Pyrehne. Polen, Deutsche und Ukrainer auf dem Erinnerungspfad erzwungener Migrationen.
- Karl Schlögel, Beata Halicka, 2008, Odra-Oder. Panorama europejskiej rzeki.
- Halicka Beata, 2005, Krosno Odrzańskie. Wspólne dziedzictwo kultury. “Das gemeinsame Kulturerbe” Crossen an der Oder. 1005-2005.